Episode 144. Lifestyle Medicine, Sleep, Gut health, Relationships and Transforming Health with Dr. Charlotte Salter

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Charlotte Salter is a trained medical doctor and General Practitioner from the UK. In 2020 she moved to Norway with her family. She is highly passionate about using lifestyle medicine to help improve well-being and quality of life. She has a diploma from the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine and is an associate member of the European Lifestyle Medicine Council. In 2023 she co-founded Den Norske Forening for Livsstilsmedisin in Norway. She now works at Kry as the head of lifestyle medicine.


Dr. Salter and I discuss:


What influences our personal health choices?

What are the pillars of lifestyle medicine?

Caffeine and sleep

Mental wellbeing

Lifestyle medicine approaches to mental health

Food as a lifestyle medicine factor

Is it scaring people to inform them about ultra processed foods?

Physical activity

Healthy relationships

Minimizing harmful substances

To what degree do each of the factors determine our health outcome?

For medical doctors interested in lifestyle medicine


Den Norske Forening for Livsstilsmedisin:





Wishing you a great week!




For more:





Disclaimer: The content of the podcast and on this website is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals if you have questions regarding a medical condition.

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